The Sacheen Littlefeather “Fraud”: It Is Questionable

The Sacheen Littlefeather "Fraud": It Is Questionable

Sacheen Littlefeather: Considering how notorious I am for keeping long diaries, this will go rather quickly for me.

The Sacheen Littlefeather “Fraud”: It Is Questionable

Yesterday, a diary with the heading “Sacheen Littlefeather Claimed to be a Fraud” was uploaded here.
So, here is what other people said. That journal has now been taken out, and the author was bojo’d (it was his first diary on his first day of sign-up). But perhaps the damage had already been done.

Additionally, other papers bolstering the same claims can be found when you Google her name. And no posted rebuttals were found when recent DKos diary titles were searched.

I’d like to refute it. with the disclaimer that neither I nor you know the truth!
Many web articles, including this one, have repeated claims that Sacheen Littlefeather‘s sisters claim they are not Native Americans at all, calling it “a dream” and “disgusting to the heritage of the tribe people.”

There are many more details on the linked page, but I won’t go into depth about the claims since they are widespread.

Let’s examine the argument, which has not been addressed by Yahoo or the majority of other news sources—incomplete reporting, IMHO.

Variety appears to have the story that covers both sides the most thoroughly (what a surprise!). To wit:
Since I am not a professional journalist, there is no way for me to check the credentials of everyone involved.

But it seems to me like a family disagreement that may have been amplified by racism and misogyny. Although I don’t have much cultural understanding, I try to be helpful because I have a Native American ancestor who was “raised British” after being orphaned. I don’t want people to make false claims either way.

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I made a comment about withholding judgment in the original diary. Till we learn more, I hope everyone here will act in this way.

Even with popular news aggregators, not everything you read can be trusted (like Yahoo above). There are at least two sides to every story, with different shades of reality. Hopefully, this will be resolved over time.

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